Mirror on Class and Social Grade

23 July 2024

At Channel 4, we’ve been running our award winning ‘Mirror on the Industry’ project for 5 years. This is a study that audits TV advertising to see how diverse and representative it really is.

We are now building on the project with the ‘Mirror on…’ series. A series of individual reports that take a closer look at some of the topics we evaluate in the wider study and dig deeper into the feelings and perceptions our audiences.

The next topic we’re exploring in this series is Class & Social Grade. In partnership with Republic of Media, we want to explore how class is portrayed in advertising today, and whether the social grade buying model still serves a purpose in today’s UK.

Do the assumptions made around working class people mean that it’s the last acceptable stereotype in the advertising industry? And what are brands are *really* looking for when they ask for ABC1?

We reveal easier and more accurate approaches to identify audiences, share provocations that inspire and recommendations that prompt you to think differently about the topic when it comes to advertising. 

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